Thursday, June 12, 2008

All boys and Me...

It is finally here! I have wanted a blog for awhile so Jer (my wonderful husband) put it together for me. He is much better at computers than me so we sat down together. I told him what I wanted and he did it. Anyway, on to why my blog is Pink, their is a good reason! Everything in my life is boys; my husband(thankfully), Cameron, Crew, my two dogs Jackson and Charlie, Crews lizard Spike, and even Camerons fish! I need something Pink in my life. So here it is, my blog! I am an extra girly girl but with so many boys around it is hard to have things girly. In fact, I am so girly that if their was one word to describe me it would be PINK! Hopefully some day in my life I will have a girl but for now I will just love all the boys!


Kara said...

You are a girly girl for having so many boys around...I don't know how you do it. :) You can play with my girl as much as you want.

Chris said...

I am so glad that you finally conformed and got a blog! Those pictures of your family are so cute.:) I totally understand about the pink, but I wouldn't trade my boys for anything. Traci

Chris said...

Nice to see you joined the ranks! The pink is a nice touch- Traci and I are excited to start seeing you post!

Mona said...

Cami-I love your blog and so glad that we can get the latest on your family! I love the pics- what kind of camera did you get? Can't wait to see pics of Bear Lake!